
Monday, January 12, 2015

Rest day guilt

This speaks to me.

Ah yes, rest day. I've turned Mondays into my new rest days because Mondays are going to be my busiest days during the semester and I won't have time to work out. However, every rest day I find myself feeling a little...guilty for not working out, which is so stupid. Anxiety, man. So I figured as I sip on my Morning coffee, I'd chat with you guys a little about this weird rest day guilt.

Ready for some crazy-eyed coffee chattin'

I work out 6 days a week. I deserve a rest day. My body literally needs a rest day. Yet I can't help feeling like I should work out. At least, like, do a Blogilates ab video or something. The normal, rational side of my brain is saying "you should not work out today, it's a rest day, your muscles are in need of rest." Yet the annoying, anxious side of my brain is telling me "you're lazy, at least do some yoga or something, it's not like you're eating any less today than you are when you work out." Oh, food. That is probably a part of it too. I know I need to gain 10 pounds, but for some reason on rest days I feel bad that I eat pretty much the same amount of food as if it was a work out day. Why do I care?! I eat pretty healthy, and just because I'm not working out today doesn't mean my body doesn't need fuel. I'm burning calories just from sitting at the table, typing these words (woah, meta), and, like, breathing. Not to mention, fueling my body today means that my workout will be better tomorrow. 

Perhaps part of the reason why I'm feeling exceptionally guilty today (as in, guilty enough to write a little blog post about it) is because it's my mom's birthday (happy birthday Momita!). We're going out for Mexican food tonight and then having cake when we get home, neither of which I would consider healthy (especially because my parents are paying, which means I'm prooooobably gonna get a margarita). I know I'm going to be feeling guilty for eating so much when I did not work out.

I should probz look at rest day like this.

It's almost harder for me to force myself to not work out. However, I am not going to let myself work out. I refuse to roll out my yoga mat for an ab video. My muscles need to recover, and I need to be less crazy. Maybe once school starts up again and I have more things to distract me on Mondays (like I said, they're going to be my busiest days), I'll feel less guilty. From a quick Google search of "rest day guilt," I know I'm not the only one who feels like this, but that doesn't stop me from feeling annoyed about feeling guilty (I just have a lot of feelings).


Does anyone else get rest day guilt? What are some coping strategies you use to deal with it? Let me know in the comments!

Kulie Julie

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