Hello 2015! I hope everyone had a fantastic time ringing in the new year! My friend Heather had a little party with us theater people, which was exactly how I wanted to celebrate the beginning of 2015.
A few of us at the party. Coming to a Christmas card near you in 2015.
If my first couple of hours of the New Year are indicative of things to come in 2015, then I am certainly happy about that. Nothing too remarkable happened, I just had a fun time with fun people. I would like to note the the food at this party was delicious. There was this spinach dip that I probably was responsible for eating most of. I made The Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Chocolate White Chocolate Chip Cookies, which are always a crowd pleaser. One batch made 57 cookies. Everyone ate a couple of those (including myself). Someone else brought peanut butter cookies, and as I can't resist anything with peanut butter, I had to sample one of those as well. They were amazing.
New Years morning really wasn't bad. I didn't get much sleep (I slept on the floor at Heather's. not necessarily the most comfortable spot), but since I didn't overdo it with the alcohol the night prior, I wasn't hung-over. I spent January 1st hanging out at home and napping. Thursdays are always my rest days, so I did just that!
This was my first cup of coffee of 2015. Obviously worth capturing.
I also decided that I wanted to make one of those jars where you put in a slip of paper with something good that happened that day every day for a year. Mine isn't very spectacular or well decorated, but it works for now. We didn't have any mason jars at my house, so I cleaned out a salsa jar that was in the recycling. I'm nothing if not resourceful!
Maybe 2015 will be mildly spicy too.
I'm typing now from my kitchen table, munching on oatmeal and (what else is new) drinking coffee.
BOTD (breakfast of the day, let's make that a thing): oatmeal with 1/2 packet of truvia, cinnamon, frozen mixed berries, and chopped-up almonds. YUM.
This morning, I woke up with the intention of working out, but really just was not feeling it. I even put on my gym clothes and drove to the gym. After seeing just how many people were parked outside, I decided it was way too crowded and turned around (damn New Years Resolutioners). I started doing a bodyweight workout at home, but was still not feeling it. So, I stopped. I have no doubt in my mind I'm going to work out at some point today. I'm not one to skip a workout. I just couldn't motivate myself this morning, even with my favorite little mantra "you'll never regret a workout." I'm sure if I only had the morning free to work out, I would have completed it, but I have the whole day, so why not work out when I'm feeling energized. I'll probably get a much better workout that way.
What do you do when you're not in the mood to work out? What are some mantras or self-talk you have that get you in the workout zone?
Kulie Julie
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