
Friday, January 16, 2015

Yoga pancakes

Hi friends! What have you guys been up to? I've been sort of absent this week because I've been super busy with my new job (I just started as a host at a local restaurant, sadly my blissful days of being unemployed are behind me, until retirement, that is) and asking people to take surveys about their attitudes towards climate change at the bus/train station near my school (it's for my research assistant-type job at school, yes, I'm that annoying person asking you to take a "quick three minute survey," I apologize). I've been keeping up with my workouts (and the cold weather/weird schedule has kept me on the treadmill at the gym with the resolutioners), but obviously not so much with this blog.

Today was yoga day. I went to my typical hot, power yoga studio to sweat, stretch, and strengthen. It was crowded AF today. Usually 9 am classes are pretty empty because most people have to work then. Once again, I'm going to blame the full class on the resolutioners. I also brought my friends Elizabeth and Allee with me because they wanted to try  hot yoga. I was really worried they wouldn't enjoy it, though they both are active and do pilates pretty often (which this studio definitely incorporates a lot of). My anxiety about them not enjoying it definitely took me out of the moment occasionally, and I did not feel as connected to my breath/body as I usually do. The worrying was so unnecessary, once we were in class there is nothing I could have done to change their experience. Still. I had a good time, and apparently Elizabeth and Allee did too because they said they really liked the class and planned on coming back! All that worrying for nothing.

Once I got back, it was time for breakfast. As an avid healthy living blog reader, I see recipes for protein pancakes everywhere. I've been meaning to try making some for quite a while now, and I finally had the time and motivation to whip them up today. I feel like a lot of the recipes I've seen online are overly complicated. I used a very simple recipe from Sarah Fit's (my favorite fitness blogger/YouTuber) book Get Skinny Again. I doubled the recipe because the one in the book was only 145 calories, and used one whole egg instead of egg whites (I would post the whole recipe but, like, I think it might be copywritten? Not trying to plagiarize). I also added some cinnamon into the batter because cinnamon is awesome. As far as the results...they were great!

Do you think they have protein pancakes at IHOP?

I couldn't resist satisfying my addiction, and I topped the pancakes peanut butter. I also sprinkled on a little bit of cinnamon as some sort of garnish (I watch too much Food Network, I'm trying to get points for presentation). The two ingredients I plan to add to the batter next time I make these babies are a splash of vanilla and a packet of stevia. Overall, they were really quite delicious. Obviously, they're not light, fluffy buttermilk pancakes you'd find at a diner. They were much more dense, but still pretty soft. They definitely were not dry, which was what I was most worried about. They're also quite filling. I'm always hungry, and I felt satisfied after finishing my plate. This recipe passed the initial test, and I'll report back with how my little tweaks affect the flavor.

So my questions for you lovely readers are: do you ever get anxious bringing your friends to a fitness class you love? Does it affect your workout at all? Also, what are some protein pancake recipes you enjoy? Do you have any ideas for toppings that I should try?
In true yoga spirit, Namaste peepz.

Kulie Julie

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