I hate iceberg lettuce. It's the worst. It has no taste, no real nutritional value, and there are so many better lettuce-type options for salad (romaine, baby spinach, arugula, spring mix, kale, other leafy greens I can't think of right now) WHY would someone actively choose iceberg lettuce? It's freaking crunchy water. My friends all make fun of my passionate hatred towards iceberg, but I can't help feeling so vehemently opposed to it. Honestly, it's my mortal enemy. With that being said, I will eat iceberg lettuce if it's my only option.
Enter: ordering salad. I love salad. I know that sounds lame, but salads are bomb. Unfortunately, quite often the lettuce that comes with bomb salads at restaurants and take out places is the dreaded iceberg. I usually just pick around the iceberg and eat all of the good stuff slathered in dressing. However, I'm typically still hungry after eating around the iceberg, and end up dejectedly eating some of it to fill the void left in my stomach. A couple nights ago, my parents ordered from a local sub shop that makes amazing (and giant) Greek salads...on a hearty bed of iceberg lettuce (of course). I wasn't home when my family ate, so my salad was left in the fridge for me. As I grabbed it out of the fridge, I saw some baby spinach in the corner of my eye and got a bright little idea. I grabbed a plate and took all of the toppings (tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, feta, carrots, and approximately 5 pounds of chicken) out of the salad container, leaving only the sad, sad bed of iceberg lettuce.
Enter: ordering salad. I love salad. I know that sounds lame, but salads are bomb. Unfortunately, quite often the lettuce that comes with bomb salads at restaurants and take out places is the dreaded iceberg. I usually just pick around the iceberg and eat all of the good stuff slathered in dressing. However, I'm typically still hungry after eating around the iceberg, and end up dejectedly eating some of it to fill the void left in my stomach. A couple nights ago, my parents ordered from a local sub shop that makes amazing (and giant) Greek salads...on a hearty bed of iceberg lettuce (of course). I wasn't home when my family ate, so my salad was left in the fridge for me. As I grabbed it out of the fridge, I saw some baby spinach in the corner of my eye and got a bright little idea. I grabbed a plate and took all of the toppings (tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, feta, carrots, and approximately 5 pounds of chicken) out of the salad container, leaving only the sad, sad bed of iceberg lettuce.
You disgust me.
Next, I grabbed a couple handfuls of baby spinach, tossed it with the good parts of the salad and the dressing, and had myself a freaking fantastic salad. Like, this salad was good with the iceberg lettuce, but taking matters into my own hands made it a million times better.
You are so beautiful to meeeeee.
The day after my super innovative (not actually innovative at all) salad night was Saturday, aka my long run day. As per usual, my morning started with a venti-iced-coffee-with-skim-milk-only from Starbucks/mecca and peanut butter toast WITH banana. Finally, the great banana shortage is over! Huzzah!
I'm never taking bananas for granted again.
I was seriously debating doing my long run outside or going to the gym. It was 21 degrees out, and I decided to be a wuss and attempt it on the treadmill. Never again. I do not have the mental strength to run 5 miles on a treadmill. I mean, I did it, but it was the slowest, most mind-numbing almost-50 minutes of my life. Next time, I'm going to tough it out outside. I can deal with intervals on the treadmill, but 50 minutes of going about the same speed at a 2.0 incline (because apparently this mimics the resistance one encounters running outside?) is not my cup of tea. If it's this cold next week, I'm just going to put on an extra pair of tights and another layer up top and deal with it. I am a determined woman.
As for today, so far it's been somewhat exciting. I started my first day at my new job (a semester of being unemployed was super fun, until I realized how broke I am). I'm working as a host at a local restaurant. My friend Colleen works there, and she got me the job (thanks broseph). It was a little overwhelming, but everyone was super nice, and I am super in need of some cash, so really this is the perfect situation for me.
I'm about to head to the gym now and get my strength training on (ew, did I really just say that?). Did anything exciting happen during your weekend? And, more importantly, am I alone in my iceberg lettuce stance? Let's all start a revolution against iceberg lettuce! Viva La Revolucion!
Kulie Julie
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