Good evening/morning/2 AM on Monday night and therefore technically Tuesday morning. In my mind, it's still Monday because I haven't gone to sleep and woken up on Tuesday yet. Anyway, I'm blogging so late because I have a snow day tomorrow AND Wednesday. I basically have another weekend inside my week. We're getting hit with a Blizzard of '78 level snowstorm (which, if you don't know what that is, is basically a huge effing snowstorm) that's supposed to last into the wee hours of Wednesday morning. According to what I've heard and the weather maps I've seen, my area is expected to get anywhere from 18-36 inches of snow. The weather report even said something about "thunder snow," which I find to be a slightly hilarious term. Luckily, I parked my car in a garage on campus and won't have to deal with any shoveling. There is a god.
The snow started tonight. One of the perks of living in a school-owned apartment is that a lot of my friends live in the same building, so we don't have to step foot outside to hang out. It's only been snowing for a few hours, and already the plows are out and we have some accumulation.
The snow started tonight. One of the perks of living in a school-owned apartment is that a lot of my friends live in the same building, so we don't have to step foot outside to hang out. It's only been snowing for a few hours, and already the plows are out and we have some accumulation.
View from my window. Not a soul in the parking lot (I think the Christmas lights in the reflection are a nice touch, right?).
Backing up to this morning, I ended up waking up at my parents' house. I have an internship at my old high school's guidance department on Monday, and I figured since I was already there and had all my clean laundry, I might as well stay over and have a shorter commute to my internship (this is the best part about my hometown being 20 minutes away from school). Of course, I was going to utilize those delicious fresh berries they had in the fridge. Thus, my breakfast was a blueberry Chobani topped with banana, strawberries, and blueberries.
I hoped using a yellow bowl would somehow make me feel awake (it didn't).
While my day got off to a healthy start, it ended with wine and homemade cookies. My friend Maddie and I made white chocolate plus caramel chocolate chip cookies. Not surprisingly, neither of us remembered to get baking powder at the grocery store. We consulted Google, and found that we could substitute in baking powder. While we were a little worried about how our substitution would affect the cookies, we took the dough tasting delicious (I may or may not have eaten like 3 cookies-worth of dough) as a good sign. Thankfully, the cookies came out tasting just perfect. I think the baking powder actually made the texture better. They weren't super doughy or heavy, they were light and moist, but crisp.
Starting off Snowmageddon right.
The rest of my night was spent drinking wine and chatting with friends. It was the epitome of a girls' night in. I have a feeling tomorrow will be more of the same. I plan on hitting the gym in the morning (yet another perk of living in a school-owned apartment building: there's a gym in the building, no going outside necessary), being productive and getting homework done in the afternoon, and baking and wine-ing at night.
Good luck to everyone else dealing with the snow! Stay safe peepz.
What's your ideal snow day?
Kulie Julie