
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When Coffee Betrays

This morning I woke up at 7:30, made coffee, and poured it in my to-go mug at 8:15 as I was headed out the door to my internship. This is my routine every Tuesday and Thursday.

This medium devil ruined my life (well, maybe just my afternoon).

Cut to 4:15. I just got out of an appointment with my therapist (god bless Iris), was feeling super anxious, and was craving a medium-iced-mocha-with-skim-only from Dunks (I realize I posted a few days ago how I felt Starbucks is superior, and that still holds true, but sometimes I just want a medium-iced-mocha-with-skim-only from Dunks. It's the New England in me. Or the chocolate addict in me, I feel like it's not really unhealthy if it's in coffee, right?), and lo and behold, there is a Dunks literally right across the street from Iris's office (99% of the time there is a Dunks across the street from wherever you are around here, so this was not a strange occurrence). I have a rule that I can only have one serving of coffee a day (by serving I mean like 16-20ish ounces), but I was feeling vulnerable. Thus, I let myself indulge and get the coffee. And you know what, it was delicious. It was just what I needed. Until I finished it. All of a sudden the caffeine kicked in. But not in the way I wanted it to. Oh no, the caffeine kicked into my body and shut off my brain. It was one of those weird moments where my body was shaking, yet my brain was mush. When I got home and started to make an omelet for dinner, I kid you not, I cracked an egg onto a plate, not into a bowl. I cracked a raw egg onto a plate. Coffee, HOW could you betray me like this?!

Look at your life, look at your choices.

I'm just now coming out of my caffeine-induced haze (5 hours later). I think part of the reason I'm writing this blog post is so that next time I want a second serving of coffee, I will have written evidence of what that is NOT a good idea. Oh, and to, like, show other people the dangers of caffeine too, I guess (you're welcome (please note, I'm being sarcastic, does that translate through blogging? I'm new still)). Next time I have a craving for a damn medium-iced-mocha-with-skim-only at 4:15 in the afternoon maybe I'll get decaf. Wait. No. I won't. That's blasphemy. 

What do you do when you have that  medium-iced-mocha-with-skim-only at 4:15? I need a new coping strategy. Clearly answering the craving is a mistake.

-Kulie Julie

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