
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Halloween BEGINS

Halloween came early this year. I mean, it’s coming again for Halloweekend, so I suppose I should say Halloween started early this year. Hey, don’t judge me, the iced coffee hasn’t kicked in yet. My friend has a beach house up in Maine, and he had a little Halloween party yesterday. It’s great to go up there and see people that I pretty much only see the 3-4 times a year he has these get-togethers. Although not everyone was in full Halloween spirit at the party (i.e. they were not in costume…those fudgers) I, of course, was. I went as the one, the only, the princess of Food Network (Ina is the uncontested queen, obvi), The Pioneer Woman: Ree “Bad gal ReeRee” Drummond. I realize this is a very obscure Food Network reference, but with the crowd at this party, I could get away with it. People either knew who she was, or got a pretty good feel for who she when I started smiling super wide and beginning all of my sentences with “Ladd and the kids…” If you don’t know who the great Ree Drummond is, please watch an episode of The Pioneer Woman on Food Network. Or binge watch all of them on Netflix! Or read her blog (, I think that’s where she really shines. 

That's me on the left, and Ree on the right (just in case you needed clarification, I know, I know, we're basically twins)

Other notable costumes at the party were my best friend Elizabeth and her boyfriend Derek’s couple costume of Tina Belcher and Jimmy Jr. from Bob’s Burgers. Very funny, and very accurate. 

Now I’m at my parents house, finishing up my venti-iced-coffee-with-skim-milk-only from Starbucks (because I am a closet coffee snob and Starbucks’s coffee is way better than Dunks, please don’t tell anyone this, as a New Englander I should bleed Dunks). I’m going on my “long run” (which is not actually that long, like 4.5-5 miles, compared to my normal 3.5) as soon as the caffeine kicks in. I ate 3 slices of Elizabeth’s delicious, amazing, out of this world homemade pizza and countless Kit-Kats and Reese’s last night. Gotta work it off somehow (TayTay’s “Shake it Off” just started playing in my head, please don’t tell anyone I like that song either). Also, my family is having a cookout later (hence why I am here and not at my apartment) so I guess I’m kind of pre-emptively working that off as well. I cannot resist a good burger, and as the weather gets cooler the burgers get more scarce. 

So anyway, happy almost Halloween to y’all (Oh god, I’m still Ree). I’m trying to figure out what costumes I’ll be wearing on Halloweekend. I don’t think Ree will be as well-received at the bars or parties at school. What are you guys planning on doing for Halloween? Please, tell me so I can steal your ideas :) Kidding (unless they’re really good). Also, Dunks or Starbucks? Am I alone in my coffee snobbery? 

-Kulie Julie

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