
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Lists from the brain

The past few days have left me with a few thoughts in my brain that I wanted to blog about, so today is list day!!!! Yay!!!! (I love making lists.)

1. I love my internship.
I have an internship in a high school guidance office (oh just so you know, I want to be a guidance counselor). I basically just observe and do small projects. I can't actually have a case load or meet with students because I'm not a Master's student, nor do I have a Master's degree. But that's okay, because I love my internship anyway. All of the guidance counselors are super cool and funny and generally awesome. When I'm observing, I can totally see myself doing what they're doing. I want to do what they're doing. Even when I'm doing little projects that were kind of given to me because they're tedious and the counselors don't have time to do them, I'm having fun. On Thursday, I was filling out an Excel spreadsheet for most of the day, and it was great! This internship is seriously one of the most rewarding things I've done. I don't even mind the fact that I have to get up at 7:30 (which is early for me) on Tuesdays and Thursdays to be there. It's just that fantastic. Now I just need to start applying to grad school so I can become a guidance counselor. Not sure if that will be as fun and exciting.

Soon to be me in my starring turn.

2. I'm not sure if I'm loving the play I'm in.
I'm a theater geek. I've done theater since high school. It's helped me open up so much and make so many amazing friends. Seriously, before theater I was painfully shy. Last month I was cast in my school's production of "End Days" (which is a dark comedy about a family affected by 9/11) as Stephen Hawking (yes, that Stephen Hawking) It's a really fun part, and pretty small, which is what I wanted since I'm super busy with school, the aforementioned internship, ect. However, every night we have rehearsal I am not excited about going. It's not that I don't like the cast or director, because I DO like the cast and director. They're hilarious. It's not that I don't like the play, because I DO like the play. It's hilarious. When I'm at rehearsal it's usually pretty fun, but for some reason my heart just isn't in this play as much as it has been with previous productions. It's kind of sad. I love acting and theater, but I'm just not that into it this semester. Womp. Womp.

I hate you all.

3. Treadmills are the worst.
On Wednesday, it was gross and rainy, so I had to take my run indoors. To the treadmill (dun dun dun). When I began running (Couch to 5K all the way yo), I did it primarily on the treadmill. I thought it was easier than running outside. Technically it is easier than running outside. Since my humble beginnings, I've moved into mostly outdoor running. Honestly, I think that's easier now. Instead of staring at a wall and watching the clock slowly creep up, I have pretty scenery and I know I'm done when I complete my running loop or whatever.  So on this dreary Wednesday morning, I dragged my ass to the treadmill and ran for what felt like the longest 30 minutes of my life. I couldn't even run at as fast as a pace as I do outside (which, mind you, is not very fast anyway). I tried listening to podcasts, watching TV, listening to music. None of it worked. The treadmill is terrible. You have to have a lot of mental strength to run on the treadmill, and apparently I am not mentally strong. I don't know how I'm going to make it through winter when arctic weather forces me to use that god forsaken machine.

4. Cooking is more exciting the longer you've gone without grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. Although now I can do it without having insane amounts of anxiety. I'm really growin' up I guess. However, I'm pretty busy and semi-broke, so I try to stretch out the time between grocery trips as long as I can. Right after grocery shopping, I usually have a few meals planned out, but once my food gets scarce and I'm kind of scraping the back of the fridge for ingredients, that's when things get interesting. It's really as close as I'll get to being on Chopped.

Tasted 100x better than it looks, I promise.

One of my best bottom-of-the-barrell recipes was created this week. I cooked up the last of my quinoa (a little less than 1/4 cup) with some garlic (which I cook with everything). Then, I made some frozen broccoli and peas in the microwave. I combined the quinoa and veggies, along with a wedge of Laughing Cow Swiss. Finally, I made two eggs-over-easy (with runny yolks) and placed them on top of the quinoa-and-veggies. I spiced up the meal with some smoked paprika, adobo, and pepper. I have no idea how this brain child of mine formed, but it was gooooooood. This is something I'd make even if I wasn't scrounging for food (truly the highest of compliments).

May the coffee be with you.

So, yeah, that's it for now.
I'm sipping on my venti-iced-coffee-with-skim-only from Starbucks and mentally preparing myself to go for a run. It's nice out, so no treadmill necessary (thank GOD). I just have a few questions for you lovely readers:
Is there anything you've done recently that you're surprisingly passionate about? Have you recently lost passion for something?
What's your best I-have-no-groceries-and-need-to-eat recipe?
And finally...the age-old question: HOW do you make running on a treadmill not suck? Or at least suck less?

-Kulie Julie

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