I hate confrontation. Hate hate hate hate hate it. I cannot express how much I absolutely loathe it. I'm sure I'm not alone here. Confrontation is scary. You have to seem strong and assertive, but not aggressive. You need to hold your ground (and not cry, which is kind of an issue for me). There's a fear of the unknown. How will SoAndSo take it? Will this create damage between SoAnSo and I's relationship? Oy vey.
Well, sometimes we have to do the things we don't want to do. I've needed to have a conversation with one of my friends for a while. It's been a source of anxiety (and, thus, lack of sleep) for quite some time now, and I finally had a chance to sit down and talk to her. I was so terrified of what would happen. And, quite shockingly, it went well. I was strong, she was understanding, and we talked everything out. Now we just need to hope that this creates lasting change!
On a lighter note, I've decided to do random outfit of the days (OOTDs if you will) whenever I have an acceptable outfit on and happen to take a picture.
Well, sometimes we have to do the things we don't want to do. I've needed to have a conversation with one of my friends for a while. It's been a source of anxiety (and, thus, lack of sleep) for quite some time now, and I finally had a chance to sit down and talk to her. I was so terrified of what would happen. And, quite shockingly, it went well. I was strong, she was understanding, and we talked everything out. Now we just need to hope that this creates lasting change!
On a lighter note, I've decided to do random outfit of the days (OOTDs if you will) whenever I have an acceptable outfit on and happen to take a picture.
The world's most awkward mirror pic. I don't have a photographer yet.
Top - Forever 21
Scarf - Forever 21
Leggings - Urban Outfitters, BDG
Shoes - Hella beat up Toms (they're like 3 years old, I suppose that's what I should expect from shoes made out of cloth)
I hope this could be considered semi-acceptable. I just got the shirt and scarf in an order from Forever 21 that came in the other day (everything fit! Which is truly the best thing from forevs because their return policy is literally the worst). I have a feeling I'm going to wear this shirt all the time this winter. It's comfy, can be made cute with minimal accessories, and is surprisingly warm for a loose Forever 21 top. Now I just need to get some fall work out clothes. What capri and long workout leggings do you recommend? Nothing tooooo pricy please.
Now, I'm about to go to bed. My roommate fell asleep watching netflix and I have to somehow stealthily turn off her iPad because apparently I can't sleep with it in the background. I mean I really haven't slept in a while. Oh well.
The saddest part of the peanut butter jar. May your night's rest be better than this.
-Kulie Julie