
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Power yoga, power smoothie, power coffee

Namaste. Oh sorry, I went to yoga this morning, so I'm feeling spiritual. Recently, I've been trying to do yoga once a week. Specifically hot yoga. I'm the sweatiest exerciser ever (it's disgusting, I'm sorry if you're ever on the treadmill next to me), and it's a little embarrassing to be literally dripping sweat on my yoga mat in a normal yoga class. Thus, I choose hot yoga because everyone is dripping sweat! The place I go to (because the atmosphere is cool and it's only $8/class with a student ID) is actually a hot, power yoga studio. I'm really getting into power yoga; you get the best of three worlds: stretching, strengthening, and calming the F down for a second (which is nice for the anxiety-ridden such as myself).

90 minutes of connecting to my center definitely worked up an appetite. I ate half a banana before leaving my house this morning, and froze the other half for a smoothie. After showering (I did not want to eat in my sweaty-mess state), I made a new-to-me smoothie concoction. It was kind of like the PB&J smoothie recipes I've seen around. I impulsively bought PB2 at Target yesterday (story of my life), and wanted to try it out. I have yet to use it as actual peanut butter, but it was actually pretty darn good in this smoothie!

 PB&J-type smoothie. Looks gross, tasted p good though!

Here's the recipe (aw, my very first recipe on the blog, quite the momentous occasion):
-1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (give or take, depending on how thick you'd like it)
-handful of spinach
-1/2 frozen banana
-1/2 cup frozen mixed berries (mine included strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries)
-2 tbsp PB2
-1 scoop vanilla protein powder (I use the generic Whole Foods brand soy protein powder, mostly because it's cheap)
Blend everything together and enjoy your glass o' happiness.

Speaking of happiness...delicious coffee alert! I love the Starbucks French dark roast coffee, but it's like $8(ish) a bag. As I'm sure you can tell, I'm cheap (and broke), and don't want to buy the Starbucks brand (I mean, in a perfect world I could just get coffee at Starbucks every morning, but, alas, that's not happening). So I got to Googling, and found a lot of high praise for the Folgers French roast coffee. So, I picked up a container during yesterday's Target travels. It was only $4 for a larger container than the measly little Starbucks bag, and tastes just as good! If you're into dark roast give that shiznit a try.

The best part of waking up (or getting home from yoga)

Now it's back to grad school stuff. If you see me crying in the fetal position later today, you know why.

My questions for you lovely humans: 
What is your favorite type of yoga?
How can I creatively use this PB2 impulse-buy?
What are the most delicious (and cheap) coffees you've come across?

Namaste homies (you can hit me if you want).

Kulie Julie

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